Intuitive integration for digital excellence
Our technical resources ensure that your new products are incorporated into your current offering in a way that is smooth, easy to understand and hassle-free. How do we do this?
Our technical resources ensure that your new products are incorporated into your current offering in a way that is smooth, easy to understand and hassle-free. How do we do this?
A tailored quoting system – we don’t believe in ‘one-size-fits-all’ pricing
A catalogue of over 10,000 unique products
Tailored search tools
Catalogue adapted to your needs
Tracked orders, deliveries and invoices for transparency
Reverse search and ergonomic comparisons
Online complaint system, in the rare event you need to log discrepancies
User-friendly history file extraction system
Simplify the process
We’re committed to the success of your project, which is why we have three dedicated teams of technicians and engineers to oversee your integration – ensuring timelines and cost estimates are always adhered to.
They’ll work alongside you from the initial IT, telecom or mobility project design, to the physical integration through a remote VPN connection.
We understand that at the end of every upgrade, there are loose ends which you may need expert advice on seeing through to completion.
We’ll not only help you take an inventory of end-of-life equipment, but will collect it for dispatch. We’ll help you with the valuing or expired parts, and take the burden of legal certification and environmental compliance off your hands.